Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Recovery Day 8 / First Before and After Pictures

  So hows it going guys, nothing too new over here! Im feeling better and better with each day that passes. The swelling is slowly starting to go down, i want to say i have finally entered a little routine! Usually ill wake up drink my meds then ill have a tropical smoothie, then some soup and apple juice for lunch and the same thing for dinner. I am proud to say the syringe is completely out of my life! Most of my day consists of Xbox, Netflix, and a few books I have decided to read. I must say i am not as bored as i thought i would be. I have my first post op appointment next Wednesday, so just one more week! Its crazy that its already been 8 days since my operation! You know the first few days were definitely the hardest, and i know i even told a few people that i didn't know whether i had made the right choice. It was a decision based on what i had experienced for almost 20 years of my life and it was scary to say the least. The first few days were really kicking my ass, i want to say it was a near depression. I was completely miserable, i found myself wanting to cry on one than more occasion. Then i found what i was looking for, and that was reassurance that i had made the right choice. This is about the rest of my life, its a challenging 3 month recovery, but after that this will just be another chapter. I know i have made it through the hardest week fo them all. That leads me to these ridiculous pictures guys! These are the first before and after shots at the one week mark.

   I'll go ahead and say it right now, this was most definitely worth it. To anyone who is debating whether to have this surgery, do it. The risk is worth the reward. The changes are just awesome and i still have 11 more weeks to get my final results. Once again i want to thank my doctor and his whole team who helped accomplish this. Words can't even begin to describe what this means to me. After years of stares and mumbled comments i can finally not worry about being self conscious or what my side profile looks like. As alwasy thank you to everyone who is reading this, and to those who are going to have this procedure done good luck to you. Stay smiling my amigos :) this is Juan "The Handsome" Blancarte signing out. 

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