Thursday, August 2, 2012

Recovery Day 2

   Whats up guys!? So today has been the worst day pain wise, my face feels extremely swollen today but everyone is telling me that it has gone down. I think im frustrated for the most part, im just tired of staying in the hospital and having to eat through a syringe. Last night they took out my rubber bands so i have been able to open my mouth a little more. They also started taking me off the IV and off the pain medication temporarily! My body was so sore today, my heels and thighs were killing me. When you're under the knife your body still reacts to the pain and it constricts! Just imagine constricting your butt cheeks for 6 hours hahahaha The good thing is that now i am able to stand up to go to the restroom and to walk around!

   I haven't seen my doctors yet today so hopefully they give me the good news that i can go home soon! Its getting a little easier to eat but the swelling does bother me quite a bit! Today i had a little scare when i moved my head forward and all this mucus and blood started coming out of my nose! Scared me big time hahahaha Im really happy that all the nurses and everyone else around here have been very patient with me and helping me out as much as they can! 

   At least i got a tv in here! I've been watching nothing but NFL Network and The Olympics. A 16 year old girl won 2 gold medals and i am here recovering from jaw surgery hahahaha Hopefully i go number 2 today i think thats the only major obstacle i have in my way of letting me go home! I wanna say i slept last night but not more than an hour at a time, it was just uncomfortable and i also had to wake up to get my blood pressure and temperature taken! Hopefully tonight will be my last night here so i can rest and recover at home! 

   Once again guys thanks for reading and ill make sure to post as often as i can! To anyone who is getting ready to have this surgery done, good luck to you and it is not as bad as you think! Thanks for your time guys! Stay smiling my friends! Signing off for now, Juan "The Handsome" Blancarte.

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