Monday, August 13, 2012

Recovery Day 13

   Hey guys, well im getting a lot better in the swelling department! Plus just one more day and i finally see my doctor for the first time post op! I only have to take my medication for 4 more days so thats good also. Eating and drinking has become a lot easier and I am exploring the possibilities of what i can eat but it is all still liquid. My nose is healing quite nicely too, and up to this point i have felt absolutely no pain. I am not feeling as fragile as i was the first week. I can finally sleep in different positions besides just facing up. The drooling has also cooled down, i can actually feel the drool on my face as opposed to not feeling it until it hit my chest. The congestion in my nose has finally cleared up. All looks well from here guys. The hard part is finally over and i just have to let my jaw heal day by day. Hopefully i can catch up on my social life pretty soon! Thank god for Netflix!

   The progression in the picture is Day before surgery, Day 7, and Day 12. The swelling has gone down quite a bit so hopefully soon i can get a good idea of what the final results will be. As always thank you guys for reading this blog, make sure to share it please, and to those who are about to go through this procedure, i wish you the best of luck! I'll try to post on the day of my doctors visit and ill try to post some front shots! As always this is Juan "The Handsome" Blancarte signing out for now!

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