Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Recovery Day 1

   Whats up guys! Well im doing awesome! I can open my mouth more and i don't have a catheter anymore so i can pee whenever i want! I haven't been able to eat anything just yet, all i have had today is Oj, Coffee, and Iced tea!

   This morning they gave me some jello, grits, health shake, coffee, milk and some orange juice! I could only handle the pure liquids! I can swallow but not too well! I've lost a few pounds already! Now i got some really awesome pictures to show you guys of the results! I finally got the CT scan pictures i took last night, and i must say the results are pretty amazing! I wish my swelling would go down already so i could see them! 

   On the left side i have the before pictures! As you can see they moved all my upper teeth together and theres a huge incision right down the middle of my upper gums! you can see the doctor did an awesome job on everything! The next picture is the one i extremely excited for!

   Isn't that just awesome? I was ecstatic when i saw these bad boys! Seriously guys this is way more than i ever expected! You can see major changes in these pictures, my teeth are now aligned correctly, and you can see the screws on my lower jaw. My nose also had some work done hahahaha Yes folks i have received a nose job. Aren't these pictures ridiculous! Thats just bone structure though, we still have to see my real face. At this point I would like to thank my doctor, Dr. Trent C. Filler, and his staff for this truly amazing job! You guys have no idea what this means to me, this is life changing to be quite honest. I've been telling everyone that my life is going to be split in two parts, before the surgery and after the surgery. I will be forever grateful to everyone who played a part in this, i would also like to thank Nurse Jenny for being wonderful and really caring! This is the start of a whole new act in my life, i just don't know how to thank you guys enough, and of course above all thank you to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for watching over me and blessing these doctors with amazing talents! 

   Huge shout out to these guys for making my day! My friends Jose Guillen, Luis Ramos and Eric Herrera! Thank you guys for visiting me and cheering me up. I love each and every one of you, it means a lot that you guys would take time out of your day to come and visit me. I'm glad you guys were able to be there for me during this whole experience and i appreciate the support! 

   Thats the most recent picture of me hahahahaha I should get a good idea of what i'll end up looking like in two weeks or so. For now all i can do is wait! This whole hospital experience has been amazing thus far, i have no complaints whatsoever! Once again as always thank you for everyone who asked how i was feeling and thank you to all those who are reading this blog, i hope you guys enjoy reading these as much as i enjoy writing them! Ill try to post again tomorrow guys when i am finally at home! This is Juan "The Handsome" Blancarte signing out for now, thanks for reading guys!

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