Thursday, August 16, 2012

Recovery Day 16

   Hey guys whats up! Sorry for not posting yesterday, i wasn't feeling it haha Well i had my first post op appointment yesterday and the doctor says I am doing better than expected. He says i still have around 25% of the swelling left so i still got a bit to go on that. The numbness in my face should go away in 6 months to a year. Its a lengthy process but if this procedure has taught me anything, its patience. My splint is still in place, he says that he normally doesn't remove it until the 5 week mark but seeing as how I am leaving to college next friday he's taking it out on Wednesday! The full liquid diet is here to stay for at least another 2 weeks. My weight loss up to this point is up to 27 pounds. The antibiotics are almost out, just two more days! My social life is starting to return slowly! I made my first public appearance yesterday! Let me share the highlight of my day yesterday with you guys! So i was at the store and i was looking around and i had a friend come up to ask if i needed help and i went to shake his hand to say whats up. He did not recognize me! He hesitated on the handshake, he looked at me for a few seconds and then he finally recognized me! Hahaha! It was awesome!

   I finally got some front shots for you guys! These are pretty cool too but for me they're not as exciting as the usual side profile shots! The biggest difference i notice in this pictures is in my nose! Thats just me though, what do you guys think? I think i also  look exhausted in the third one! Well guys as always thanks for reading and to anyone about to undergo this procedure good luck to you! Stay smiling my friends, and EAT. EAT EVERYTHING YOU CAN. JUST EAT. This is Juan "The Handsome" Blancarte signing off for now!


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