Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Recovery Day 50

   Hey guys so i am little over the halfway mark and there haven't been any real changes since i last blogged. I finally got to see my doctor on Monday and he said things are going awesome and better than expected! I don't have to make an appointment until January so thats good news! Seems like everything is all coasting until everything is finally healed. They replaced all my broken brackets and now the rest of the job is left to my braces. I have to be back in El Paso in about a month to get them adjusted. Food wise i am eating a little of everything but i do avoid certain foods that piss me off because they take so long to chew hahaha! One of the biggest changes i would say is the image i have of myself. I never thought it would affect me this much. I am not myself yet, what i mean is that i am not the same Juan from few months ago. I feel more quiet and a little more laid back. I feel very insecure about my face even though my friends tell me i look good. Its weird having the same face for 20 years and then just having a totally different one overnight. I was always used to being the loud one in class and now i am the quiet one. I am not used to looking like this, my doctor said it will probably take a whole year for me to feel completely comfortable with myself. I know eventually i will be back to how i was before.

   On a brighter note i had a good day today, the only bad thing about going back home is that it feels like i mess up the rhythm i have over here. I do enjoy school, and it is becoming a lot more interesting. Today i had the chance to meet radio host Glenn Beck, i have never been too much into politics but it does intrigue me a little. I am pretty sure if i looked into it enough my interest would grow and i could handle myself in a conversation. My friends David and Celeste are very much into politics to the point where they have decided as of now to become Political Science majors. So i will definitely be trying to inform myself  a little more over the next few months.

   This weekend while i was back home i went with my mom to visit one of her customers who works at the hospital i was at. The conversation we had eventually led into the topic of bullying. Guys i have to say bullying is a major issue, i will admit i was selfish with bullying as in i only thought about myself when it happened. I do remember being bullied as a child and its not one of my favorite experiences. The reality is millions of kids are bullied each and every day. It is ridiculous, its all over the place! It is a HUGE issue and i think it is one that can be easily handled. If you guys ever run across someone who needs a friend or is in a tough situation not even necessarily bullying but just in a tough spot just give them a smile or try to befriend them. It bothers me a lot when someone is being bullied or being laughed it for a very immature reason. I have never stood up for anyone or said anything to stop the bullying and i don't know why i kept my mouth shut. I really do regret that. So remember guys just smile and you never know you might just make someones day! It is that easy! This is Juan "The Handsome" Blancarte signing out for now!

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