Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Recovery Day 42

   Hey guys, i am almost to the halfway point of the 90 day recovery of my jaw. Things are starting to go back to normal. My diet is looking more and more like my old one. My teeth feel very strong and my jaw is getting more mobility every day that passes. I feel insecure about my face even though it looks normal. Doctor says i am not used to my face looking how its supposed to hahaha I am  still numb in my bottom lip and under my nose! I can fit around 2 and half fingers in my bite, just half a finger to go! I can sleep however i want now there is absolutely no pain, at all! Today i decided to post some pictures of my apartment!

   Thats my room its pretty basic but i have my own bathroom and my own mini fridge so life is good in here hahaha I have a big window next to my bed so i get tons of light in here! I spend the majority of my day in here unless theres a football game then i go to the living room!

   The only complaint i have on the living room is the leather couches are so uncomfortable but hey better than nothing! Everything is pretty boring in here for now but we definitely have to decorate since we will be staying here at least a year! 

   This is the kitchen, i didn't start using it until this week! Its been all ramen and frozen pizzas. Oh and the awesome thing they call hamburger helper! Hopefully when i come back from El Paso next week i can buy better groceries and start cooking more!

   This is a random picture i took of the library, so yeah this is the library hahaha When you walk in it looks more like a food court. They have wings, subway, chick-fil-a, sushi, smoothies and a pizza place in there! I was pretty bored yesterday so i made a sequence of pictures through the whole recovery process and i think it came out pretty cool!

      Im FINALLY looking a little normal hahaha Im very happy with the results so far so i am just looking forward to the next few months and getting on with my life! Its all been worth it, definitely worth it! As always guys good luck to anyone who is going through this and thank you to everyone who reads this blog :) Ill try to post after my doctors appointment! This is Juan "The Handsome" Blancarte signing out for now!


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