Monday, July 30, 2012

Night Before Surgery!

   So im just a little under 12 hours away from going under the knife and im getting more and more anxious! Seriously i can't wait to have all this over with! So today i thought about it and i decided to put up some baby pictures guys!

   Well i was born with a deformity that is known as cleft lip! My upper lip was actually split as you can see in the picture! I had my very first surgery when i was only a few months old and the purpose of that one was to close up the gap! I was very lucky that i lived in California and was able to get help from a very talented group of doctors!

   The picture above was taken a while after the surgery! You can see my lip looks almost unnoticeable! I can hardly remember any of this! You know whats funny my grandpa also had a cleft lip but his wasn't closed up like mine. It skipped my dad and went to me! It's going to be interesting to see if my kids get it, if not then maybe my grandkids!

   From that moment on i was living the life dudes!! I mean come on look at me, pony and everything! It was all smooth sailing until i had to get braces! Im fine with braces but when i was around 11 i had to receive a bone graft! I was missing a section of bone in my upper gums and what they ended up doing was borrowing some bone from my hip and putting it there. I wish i would have taken pictures during that surgery! Then after that they told me i had a very huge decision to make when i was older. That decision was whether i wanted to have this surgery that im about to have. Back then i hated the idea of it and i said no right away! My mom told me one day i would change my mind and here i am! I have always been very self conscious, and on top of that i wasn't exactly one of the skinny kids. After years of bullying i've been able to develop thick skin and i've been able to make tons of awesome friends! I wouldn't trade any of them for the world! Then of course that brings us to today.

   Today i had to go give some blood in case i needed a transfusion tomorrow during the operation! The nurse was really nice and let me take pictures! I've donated blood plenty of times but it felt weird knowing that this blood was going to come back to me out of necessity! 

   These are my awesome parents who have supported me through everything! I don't know where i would be without them! They've been on this journey with me ever since day one! Mom i know you're reading this and i just wanted to say i love you and don't worry because i'll be in gods hands! I can't help but get emotional thinking about a year ago when nothing was going my way and breaking down and telling my mom i was tired of people staring or calling me ugly. She couldn't help but cry with me too, and ever since then she promised me that whatever it took we would get it done! Like i said here we are only a few hours away! I love you mom and dad! 

   I can't help but laugh at my dads pimp walk hahahaha! Well guys this post is my last one before the surgery! I gotta be there at 6:30am and i should be under the knife by 8:00am! I gotta enjoy food for a few more hours! Hopefully i can post something tomorrow! Maybe even a few post op pictures so you guys can laugh hahaha Well guys i hope you enjoy reading this, wish me luck dudes! Ill see you afterwards!

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