Sunday, July 29, 2012

Two Days Away!

Two Days Before Surgery

   So i will be having double jaw surgery on Tuesday and i decided to keep a blog of the whole experience! I know that there are a ton of these online already but this is going to be cool to look at a few years from now. Umm the whole purpose of this surgery is pretty much to correct my underbite. 
 Along with moving my jaw they are also going to move all my upper teeth together so i don't have any gaps, and also straightening my nasal septum! 

   In the picture about you can see that my upper jaw isn't straight and parallel to the bottom one! They're also going to fix that! Seriously i  felt ugly before but seeing these pictures, holy s#@t! The duration of the surgery is going to be anywhere from 6-8 hours! The complete recovery period is 90 days! During the recovery i have to follow a strict liquid diet, weight loss is expected! (YAAAAAAAY!!!) I have known that this surgery was going to happen for about 9 years now and its crazy that its only a couple of days away! Im excited but also nervous at the same time, not to mention in 3 weeks time I'll be leaving to college on top of that! Well anyways i hope eventually this blog helps someone out! Ill try to post stuff when i can, as often as i can!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Juan!!! This is Jahnay and Tempest!! We hope that your procedure goes smoothly and that you have a speedy recovery. Jahnay says to hurry up so she can beat you at 2k. I know it will suck being on a liquid diet so this would be a perfect time to experiment with your blender. How does blender pizza sound...okay so maybe not that exactly. Lol. See ya later, and hope all goes well!
