Monday, October 15, 2012

Recovery Day 77

   Hey whats up guys, so i am on day 77 so in 13 days my jaw should be healed at least in medical terms. Its crazy that its almost been 3 months already. I still remember lying in bed and feeling almost depressed because of how bad recovery was. Now i am here and its looking like one of the best decisions i ever made! My face is feeling better than ever! I am chewing better than ever! No pain, all it is now is just letting my braces finish the job. I wish i had taken more pictures before the surgery because i am running out of comparison shots haha

 A lot of people ask me why i don't smile in my pictures and i want to save those for when i get my braces taken off. So if you guys are still reading this at that point, which i hope you are, then i will definitely post those up! I'll be going back to El Paso this weekend for some doctors visits so that should be fun. I really just want to eat. I finally got to go to Six Flags this past weekend and that was really fun, can't wait to go back. Basketball season is also right around the corner so i definitely want to go to some Spurs games! School has been very busy lately. A lot of late nights and early mornings studying but it'll be worth it in the end. I got quite a surprise this morning when my mythology study guide had around 250 names in it that i need to remember. Flash cards are currently being made. Oh the joy.

   So yeah i'll be back in El Paso this weekend fellas so if anyone wants to hang out just let me know! Unless I don't like you. Just kidding. Kinda. Hahaha Thanks to those who have been reading this thing since the beginning consistently and inconsistently i really appreciate it a lot, i wouldn't do it if there wasn't an audience! As always please share, and this is Juan "The Handsome" Blancarte signing out!

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