Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Recovery Day 86

   So just 4 more days and my jaw will be fully healed. Its crazy that its almost been 3 months. This is one of the best decisions I have ever made easily. The results have been amazing and i can't thank everyone enough that supported me through all of it. I'm glad i have been able to share it with all of you that follow this blog. I am forever indebted to all of you! Now i just came back from a weekend back in El Paso that i enjoyed very much. This time was different than the last time i was there, i felt weird being at home. It seriously felt like staying in a hotel! Then two days later i didn't want to leave! I guess i just needed to get used to things again. My favorite thing about going back home. apart from being with family and friends, is the food. Seriously there is nothing better than a homecooked meal. So i indulged this past weekend. I'm not even going to deny it. Tacos, tacos, and more tacos.

   I'd like to thank my dad for making these delicious little bites of heaven. Seriously as i write this and look up to see the picture my mouth is watering. I also had some green chicken enchiladas but i ate them before i even thought of taking a picture. Now this of course brings up the question about how my diet is looking now. So i took a picture of what i bought on my last grocery trip.

   Yup, I am pretty much eating anything and everything. I know the 5 dozen eggs might seem like a bit much but 3 dozen just wasn't cutting it. Hahaha I'm pretty much able to eat whatever i want now but i do avoid foods that are very hard because my bite is not 100% yet, I'd say its at 70%. I haven't weighed myself in a while but I'm still a good 30 pounds below my pre-op weight!

   I came back to my humble apartment to find two flags hanging next to my T.V. No lack of pride in our apartment! Hopefully we can continue to decorate the living room little by little because it is pretty bland right now. We're going to be living here a whole year so we wanna make it our own! My room has changed just a little bit. Its never ever clean so i took advantage and took a picture.

   Yeah i took this picture a few hours ago and its nowhere near that clean. And yes. Yes i am a Denver Broncos fan, thank you for noticing! Now a few people had been asking me for some gross pictures from the surgery. So my doctor did give me a little usb drive with some pictures in there that are less than flattering. So for all you freaks out there that enjoy looking at this stuff, this one is for you my friends. Feast your eyes on this!

   Isn't it lovely?! This is my mouth immediately after the surgery i was still knocked out when this was taken. You can see the clear splint that bothered me for 3 weeks in between my top and bottom teeth. Those rubber bands are there to hold my jaw together. You can see some of the stitch work but its mostly covered in blood. I have more pictures like this so i'll see if i post more later hahaha

   So my face is definitely progressing still week to week. I can't wait to post the before and after pictures a year from now! And i still have to wait for my braces to be taken off! So guys as always thank you for reading, i really mean that. God bless all of you! This is Juan "The Handsome" Blancarte, signing out for now.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Recovery Day 77

   Hey whats up guys, so i am on day 77 so in 13 days my jaw should be healed at least in medical terms. Its crazy that its almost been 3 months already. I still remember lying in bed and feeling almost depressed because of how bad recovery was. Now i am here and its looking like one of the best decisions i ever made! My face is feeling better than ever! I am chewing better than ever! No pain, all it is now is just letting my braces finish the job. I wish i had taken more pictures before the surgery because i am running out of comparison shots haha

 A lot of people ask me why i don't smile in my pictures and i want to save those for when i get my braces taken off. So if you guys are still reading this at that point, which i hope you are, then i will definitely post those up! I'll be going back to El Paso this weekend for some doctors visits so that should be fun. I really just want to eat. I finally got to go to Six Flags this past weekend and that was really fun, can't wait to go back. Basketball season is also right around the corner so i definitely want to go to some Spurs games! School has been very busy lately. A lot of late nights and early mornings studying but it'll be worth it in the end. I got quite a surprise this morning when my mythology study guide had around 250 names in it that i need to remember. Flash cards are currently being made. Oh the joy.

   So yeah i'll be back in El Paso this weekend fellas so if anyone wants to hang out just let me know! Unless I don't like you. Just kidding. Kinda. Hahaha Thanks to those who have been reading this thing since the beginning consistently and inconsistently i really appreciate it a lot, i wouldn't do it if there wasn't an audience! As always please share, and this is Juan "The Handsome" Blancarte signing out!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Recovery Day 68

   You know what really grinds me gears? The fact that it takes more than a few days to see differences in my face now hahaha I am very, very close to the end of this 90 day venture and the differences have become very subtle. Lately I have been obsessing over what kind of hairstyle and facials hair i should rock with this face! Sue me i am excited hahaha Lately i have had a few personal revelations, just as the sky is blue, i am a happy person. Seriously i don't think i was built to be sad. So from now on i shall be happy 110% of the time. Lifes too short and girls are too pretty. I know what you're thinking, "This idiot went out and found himself a girl", and the answer is no. I just feel different about a lot of things now. I should be done with college in 3 years and then what? The rest of my life. I really don't know how life can get any better than right now! I mean i have football, family, friends, food, health and a new found lease on life! God is great my friends, god is great. This is to one day looking back at my life and saying "Damn, i had one hell of life."

   This is Juan "The Handsome" Blancarte signing out. :))